Skyward — Japan from 33,000 feet
Skyward is the inflight magazine of Japan Airlines (JAL). Targeting inbound passengers and those touring Japan, the international edition of Skyward whets the appetites of its readers with articles about irresistible destinations, delectable cuisine, and the fascinating culture of Japan. We overhauled the magazine with a complete redesign and were responsible for the art direction, photo direction, and design of the English/Chinese section of this monthly publication. (Sep 2012–Apr 2021)
We worked with Japanese sock manufacturer, Okamoto, to rebrand one of their most popular product lines — SuperSox. The rebrand consisted of a new parent brand, Aleg, a new SuperSox identity, a package design revamp, and POP kiosk designs.
Savings—Private Brand Expansion
Savings was the private brand of Japanese supermarket giant, Daiei. 
I assisted my client in expanding the product line-up.
Interbrand Japan—Package Design Ideation
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